The Skeleton in My Closet – Part 1 The Prelude

Hand-Made Life Size Skeleton

Happy Halloween!
Mess Penny

My agenda today is àpropos to the spirit of All Hallows’ Eve. I have chose to spin a folklore tale beginning with “Once Upon a Time”. Although the tale is true, at least in my mind; some may consider it fiction or rubbish. Out of respect for the naysayers, we will make-believe it is fiction. It makes me feel better too…

As a prelude to the story, I want to impress upon you the extreme difficulty of exposing the old skeleton in my closet. This is mostly due to society placing a stigma on those who believe in ghosts or any form of paranormal phenomena. My personal conviction of “keeping a piece of myself to myself”, and a fear of repercussions associated with exposing bad juju are strong contenders for my vigil of silence. I also have considerable experience with juju and paranormal occurrences; it would be impossible to lay it all out in a single post…The deciding factor to publish this mini trilogy is the hope my story may do some good.. If I can convince one person of life after death and God’s existence, then I have won…

I am committing to 3 posts on this subject and have opted to start at the beginning to allow my story to evolve naturally. If I feel the urge to elaborate or delve further into this subject, there will be more posts down the road. This is the breakdown of the 3 posts:

* Part 1- the prelude shares a glimpse of the skeleton in my closet; and my personal agenda and thoughts regarding the subject.
* Part 2- will tread lightly on early recollections and experiences with spirit dreams and my eerie “sensitivity” as a child; this would ultimately culminate in keen and sharp intuition as an adult. I am not going to analyze this in great depth in a single post. Let’s just say, “I’m sensitive” and convinced this “sensitivity” is hereditary; along with some other mitigating factors. I believe it is integral to disclose this reasoning as it lends to Part 3;
* Part 3- the ability to summon a spirit on a Ouija board almost effortlessly, and the outcome and particulars of the experiment.

I want to make it crystal clear that I pray and put my faith in God. I also believe in the power of Good and Evil, respectively… I’m not a “KOOK” (what my mama called crazy people). I am a normal person but not perfect and have made mistakes… I do not intentionally practice witchcraft or solicit the service of a Ouija board… If I were to be a witch, I would be a GOOD one! This is not construed as meaning; I have never been curious…

Happy Halloween!
Mess Penny

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