Happy Mucking Funday!!!

Good Evening! It’s Sunday night and here I sit facing the same all too familiar dilemma as most Sunday nights.; the unavoidable approach of Mucking Funday!!! Just about every Sunday night I stay up late because I don’t want to accept the fact the weekend has ended. I can be dog tired and my mind won’t let me rest.

The grand-baby is tucked in bed and the vampires have taken a temporary furlough. This is what I call our grown kids who won’t leave! I liken them to vampires as they are up all night and sleep all day. They try to suck the life out of me every chance they get!!! They leave home but they keep coming back! I don’t get it? My generation couldn’t wait to spread our wings and fly away… I would love to write a post; “50 ways to get your grown children to move out permanently!” However, I have had no success in this department ,and I have already tried more than 50 ways, and No Sir-ee Bob , they are not going to budge…

So here I am relaxing at my computer soaking up the silence…The house is quiet; just the sound of crickets outside my open window and the cats prancing around doing their nocturnal dance. I finally have a a little time to myself to ponder my next post…..

The Vampires got me thinking about the time of year and all the ghoulies coming out , so perhaps I will do a Halloween post next. I only have a couple issues with this. First, I can already foresee it turning into several posts as I have several ideas for a Halloween post(s). Secondly, I spook so easily! No kidding!!! I can’t even watch scary movies by myself anymore… I don’t like the dark evil stuff in my head. It scares the crap out of me!!!

My mother was Pennsylvania Deutsch and she educated me on the Boogie Man and Bad Juju! I’ve always considered myself to be a cross between Stephen King’s Carey, Karen Silkwood, and Ferris Bueller. LOL! So perhaps I will write 3 posts; one for each personality… a scary folklore post, a scary reality post, and a fun Halloween post…. Any thoughts on that?

Okay. I guess I have finally grown tired, and am going to have to sleep on it… I strongly dislike Mondays no matter how I try to psyche myself out… Goodnite… and have a Happy Mucking Funday!

Mess Penny