Happy Grandparents Day

I’m back… It’s been awhile since my last post, but I made a promise to myself to become diligent in posting to my blog. Being a newbie, there is all kinds of tech stuff and terms to learn so it has eaten up a bunch of my time. Vintage Agenda is a work in progress and because I’m such a perfectionist it has been a rather slow work in progress…

Other than that, I have lots of other viable excuses to myself, including just plain busy. Time management is a big goal of mine, and I have been working really hard on getting organized. I like to believe failure is not an option, but with me I’ve been known to grow bored quite easily, and abandon a project when I’m not feeling any progress.

Just want to mention a great website called Evernote that I discovered in my efforts to organize my crazy busy life while raising my grand-daughter. It’s a cool online tool that has a multitude of capabilities, and a must have for anyone who is environmentally conscious, interested in going green, virtually paperless, or if you are just plain forgetful. I absolutely love Evernote. It has quite possibly saved me from spontaneous combustion . HE HE!!! And even better it is FREE!!!

I will probably do some separate posts on this subject, and my progress with getting organized, but for now just want to give a shout out and a high-five to all the grandparents out there for just being you… Its our special day to take stock of our life, and realize how important grandparents are to the whole family dynamics, and the role we play in our family’s wellbeing and happiness.

Have a Happy Grandparents Day!


Full Time Grandmom

The responsibility of raising my Grandchild is very challenging at times,and requires calling on an extra reserve of energy that could only possibly be from up above. It is a labor of love but very rewarding, especially when my Grandbaby gives all that love back every single day. She is my immortality and inspiration!!!

This is my very first blog and I would like to begin and dedicate my blogging journey to my Granddaughter and all the Grandparents that are dedicating their lives to caring for and protecting their Grandchildren. As Billy Joel would say, “Don’t Forget Your Second Wind.”
